When thinking about importing from China the first thing that comes to our mind is Alibaba. However, Alibaba is not the only option for sourcing from China. In this article, we will see 10 other options to source and import from China.
You might read this article because you are thinking of finding another alternative for importing rather than Alibaba. This might be because you and your competitors all use the same sourcing channel and you end up with no competitive advantage against your competitors in the market.
Some think of alternative because of the large number of trading companies or middlemen which exists on Alibaba. And most of the time it’s hard to differentiate them from manufacturers.
Nonetheless, for what so ever reason you are thinking of alternatives to Alibaba, you are in the right place if you are thinking of an alternative to Alibaba.
So what alternatives are there to Alibaba?
In this article, we will tell you about 10 alternatives to Alibaba.