the way to find the best supplier

How to find the best supplier?

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How to avoid scammers in Aliexpress?[Ultimate Guide]

E-commerce is on the rise and is revolutionizing the world and changing habits. Many people today are now adept at online shopping, almost leaving the “traditional” habits of the past behind, like going to a store for a purchase. Indeed, buying online not only saves us time, but also allows us to virtually cross the borders of countries.

The process is simple, fast, comfortable and allows us to save some money. No need to travel to China to find a supplier or to make your purchases, AliExpress does it for you.  There are many other platforms as you already know, but if you are used to shopping online, and you know the platforms of the Chinese market, you have certainly heard of Aliexpress.

Here is an article that will help you buy on AliExpress without getting scammed.

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Sourcing Secrets Revealed - Master Alibaba and Conquer the Chinese Market

Sourcing Secrets Revealed:How to buy from Alibaba

Alibaba is a popular choice when looking for private-label product providers in China. It presents a broad selection of products sourced from global suppliers, making it a suitable resource for businesses of all sizes. Despite that, Navigating Alibaba can be strenuous since it is necessary to identify and evaluate appropriate suppliers while understanding the complications of Process procurement and negotiation.

That is where Docshipper comes in as your reliable partner. We can guide you through the Alibaba platform, providing expert knowledge to optimize your procurement and import efforts.

In this guide, we will cover various aspects of the Alibaba Group, with a particular focus on identifying and avoiding scams.

At Docshipper, we know how important it is to find trustworthy suppliers to run your business smoothly. This is the reason we are here to provide you with a comprehensive article on Alibaba sourcing. The world’s largest B2B e-commerce platform.

We wish you an interesting and helpful reading experience!

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everything about shipping costs for importing from china

Everything about shipping costs for importing from China

How does the transport from China to your company work?

When you decide to import products from China, you think that there are not many expenses on transport costs to be made and instead you have to evaluate many other costs that we will present in this article.

To calculate the transport costs you need to know how the transport from China to your company works and the different expenses you will have to do to make the transport.

What are the transport prices from the warehouse to the port?

When we talk about freight charges, we mean the shipping costs from the port of shipment to the port of destination in the buyer's country and are balanced on the local taxes paid in the destination port, but also on the volume and weight of the containers.

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amazon selling strategy

The Amazon Efficient Sourcing/selling Strategy

The simple strategy of finding a product that has a good sell on Amazon, and ordering a generic version of it from China with your own label is the common and hot strategy nowadays on Amazon. This might look very simple and you might find lots of people following this strategy.

However, the number of sellers on Amazon following this strategy is to decrease. And they are not getting the good fortune which was promised by training courses, because this might not be the best strategy for a long-term business.

Considering the fact that there is a very intense competition between Amazon sellers finding a good product that has a well sell on Amazon is really difficult. Although there is another sourcing strategy that does not depends on importing neither on find the perfect product and it’s not easy for others to compete against you. If you would like to find about more about it, stay tuned.

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How to ship products from amazon's warehouse 2

How to Ship Products to Amazon’s Warehouses?

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the international trade July news

International trade July 2021 News [Procurement – Logistics – Compliance]

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The promising future of International trade [Survival guide of international trade in services]

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