Trends follow to grow e-commerce business

Trends to follow to grow your e-commerce business

In 2021, online shopping skyrocketed. More than $3.53 trillion US dollars was earned through online purchases in 2016. By the end of 2023, it is expected to have risen to a whopping $6,54 trillion. The exponential expansion of worldwide e-commerce may be seen in these figures.

Even though online retail is expanding, marketing your store is essential to its success. Even though the playing field is larger now, you should keep in mind that there is also more competition.

In 2022, the market for online purchases is expected to expand even further. So, if you're highly focused on expanding your online store, you need to look into developing a plan to do so.

There are many methods you can use to make sure your eCommerce business evolves but, of course, not all will be ideal for your business or its demands. However, there are universal procedures that can be easily adopted.

How to expand your eCommerce business ?

Prioritize your customers more

When consumers receive exceptional eCommerce customer service or know that if they had a query or a difficulty, you are easily contactable, they are more inclined to buy from you since it gives them added peace of mind.

Chatbots, which are automated customer care software solutions that provide online chat without human interaction, is a great option for your clients to readily approach you with their inquiries in this modern day of expecting fast results. Your conversion rate will improve as a direct result of your improved responsiveness to customer inquiries.

How? Creating a Chatbot is a simple task if you have the time to devote to the project. However, most eCommerce organizations will want to look at specialist Chatbot software. There are a few free ‘out of the box’ Chatbots that are worth looking at and others that may be hired to be produced and adapted to your unique requirements.

An eCommerce helpdesk, such as eDesk, may centralize your customers' questions across all of your sales channels, as well as social media and email, into one convenient location.

Another way to enhance your customer service is by ensuring your customers know their data is protected while shopping online. This can be achieved by using a privacy policy generator to comply with data privacy laws and safeguard customers' personal information.

Create newsletters and blog regularly

working tablet docshipper Using content to your advantage is a tried-and-true method for expanding your online store's customer base. Because of the time and work required and the delayed nature of the returns, many business owners are unwilling to consider this powerful method. It's a strategy that ends up paying over time, but only if you maintain high standards of excellence.

Engaging material written and posted on a blog can significantly improve organic search engine optimization, but only if done properly. One or two posts every several months isn’t going to cut it. Just as posting content that is solely meant to generate sales will not be effective, so will posting nothing but sales-related content.

Increasing the visibility of your eCommerce store online and attracting more customers is a direct result of publishing more useful and engaging content.

Similarly, keeping in touch with your prospects and clients by sending them newsletters regularly (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) with informative and helpful content can keep your name top of mind. If consumers regard you as an expert in your field, they will be more likely to purchase from you because of the confidence it gives them.

How? E-guides, checklists, "how-to's," and "tips" type themes related to your business or product and directed at your target audience are all great examples of what to include in your blog posts and newsletters to educate, engage, and inform your readers. Regular blog updates and monthly newsletters are recommended. If you don’t have time or the expertise to generate content yourself, you can consider outsourcing this to a high-quality content writer.

Info DocShipper : You want to develop your e-commerce business but you don't know how to do it, we have written an article on e-commerce, feel free to consult it and contact us for any questions

Share your content on social media

Social media is an excellent eCommerce tool because, like writing information on your blog and sending it out in a newsletter, it may help you reach more people and have a stronger impact on shoppers.

You need robust visibility with a business page on Facebook and Instagram because of how easily they may spread the news of product promotions and discounts.

Again, you shouldn’t merely post discounts and product descriptions on your social network - that can turn buyers off. Genuine, valuable information should be provided with the product or service.

How? Update daily. That's right, it's true. Maintaining a regular posting schedule for your blog is essential if you want to establish a strong brand identity for your online store among your target audience. Have a variety of posts up. Some bargains, some product promotions, and some informative and helpful postings. Using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote your online store will help you reach a far wider audience.

Try out Google Shopping

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After an initial period where only a paid service was accessible, Google Shopping has begun providing retailers with free advertising. Since it's free, there's no reason not to use it to promote your online store.

Because it's a comparative search engine, Google Shopping advertising can help promote your products to potential buyers. The fact that they are also visual is a huge plus. A product image, price, and your company or store's name are the standard components of a Google Shopping ad.

If your product description is up to standard with what people are looking for when they conduct a Google search, then your product will be presented to them. Only when a user clicks on your Google Shopping ad you will be charged.

How? Information from the merchant data stream is used to make the Google Shopping advertisements. This can take a little time to set up first, but they need less ongoing effort. You’ll need to transform the products in your business into Google Shopping Ads by building a product feed.

In addition, you will need a Google Ads and Google Merchant Center account. If you run your online store on Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, or WooCommerce, you're in luck because each of those platforms has an app to assist you with your product feed. There are also many guides available to help you learn.

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Implement Omnichannel marketing strategies

The term "omnichannel" refers to the consolidation of all of your marketing efforts into one central hub. The app's main goal is to provide a consistent and pleasant shopping experience across all channels, whether they are mobile, desktop, or tablet.

A customer may add an item to their laptop shopping basket while they are still viewing your desktop site. They walk off and don't return to your e-commerce site until they're surfing on the go using their smartphone.

Using omnichannel marketing, you can keep your customers from having to restart their purchase process at any point. Omnichannel marketing helps us to avoid consumer needs to repeat actions numerous times during the sales cycle and thereby enhances conversions.

How? To successfully create and implement an omnichannel strategy, you must first thoroughly research and comprehend all of your client touchpoints. Your customers' actions are the determining factor. Data collection and customer journey mapping will be essential for an effective marketing strategy.

Expand your email subscriber base

If there is nowhere on your website for people to sign up to receive updates about your products and services, you're missing out on a great opportunity to expand your client base and grow your business through eCommerce.

Email marketing is a simple strategy for expanding your customer base and making more money. However, list-making comes first. The larger your list, the more leads you'll have access to and the more sales you'll make.

How? Put a prominent sign-up structure on your online store's homepage as well as the "Thank You" page that appears when a customer completes an order. This is where you may encourage customers to sign up for a newsletter in exchange for a discount, freebie, or other incentives. In exchange for entering their email address, subscribers help you expand your mailing list and stand a better chance of receiving future discounts from you.

Keep in touch with your subscribers frequently and don't just try to make a sale every time you talk to them. In addition to exciting material, tips, and news, send out your newsletter once a month. Discounts on a customer's special day or at the change of seasons are a great way to encourage repeat business.

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Market your products abroad

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Expanding your online store's reach to other countries is an easy way to boost sales. The reality is so obvious that it is frequently ignored. Reaching out to consumers in different nations is a massive opportunity for expansion.

Increases in internet penetration around the world are opening new markets for online retailers like yours.

It may take some effort and preparation, especially regarding your product listings, to replicate your present level of success in new nations. When dealing with new customers, it's best to do business with them in their native tongue. This will boost your conversion rate.

How? There are translation plugins and add-ons available for most of the popular eCommerce systems. However, to ensure accuracy, it is recommended to use a professional translator. Be sure your payment gateway can process transactions in the local currency.

Improve customer loyalty by customizing their experience

You can't run a successful online store with a cookie-cutter strategy in the modern era. As an alternative, you need to focus on tailoring your service to each client. Why? Eighty percent of shoppers are more likely to purchase from an online store that implements personalized experiences throughout their whole journey, from browsing to email to social media activity to paid marketing, as per the study.

However, what exactly are custom-tailored experiences ?

Simply showing the buyer more of the products that are of interest to them! Think that for a moment. Displaying goods and services that are highly relevant to potential customers increases the likelihood that they will make a purchase. Research by Epsilon found that 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a company that provides such individualized services.

How? Using content personalization, you may show each customer on your eCommerce site-specific information that is relevant to them, such as their favorite products or recent purchases.

However, a lot of information is required for efficient customization. Such information could include the user's location, gender, age, the date and time of their visit, the pages they viewed, the content they were interested in, and the interactions they had with your site previously. Developing a plan for individualization requires a wide range of technological capabilities.

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Is it mobile-friendly? Now is the time to optimize for mobile commerce

While it is great to have a mobile-friendly and responsive website, optimizing for mobile commerce will help you expand even further. Why try? To further streamline the mobile purchasing process for your clients.

It's no surprise that customers won't put up with delayed shopping experiences, given that 80%+ of Americans now shop online and more than 50% of them use a mobile device.

How? Make sure your online store is mobile-friendly. To boost mobile sales, make sure your mobile store is well-designed and easy to use.

Purposeful Content Repurposing

Even while interest in reused content is high presently across a variety of e-commerce trends, that interest is only expected to expand. This means that contemporary e-commerce enterprises need to regularly repurpose their content. Rather than toiling away at creating brand new material regularly, businesses will instead focus on reusing and upgrading current content to ensure it remains timely.


One of your primary responsibilities as the owner of an online store is to ensure its steady expansion. In today's ever-evolving world, staying steady is as bad as falling behind. To grow your eCommerce business in 2022, you must learn about your consumers' wants and needs and try out the latest and greatest cutting-edge technology. With the growth of the mobile app industry, it is now less expensive and quicker than ever to create a new app. Inexpensive Shopify App Development can bring your offerings to life.

As your online store's popularity grows, so will the number of tickets requiring your attention. eDesk’s integrated eCommerce helpdesk aggregates all your service requests from your marketplaces, web stores, and social platforms into one location which helps you reply faster and sell more.

The world we know is evolving. Ecommerce will only get larger and better in 2022. The implementation of cutting-edge technological innovations will facilitate this. Never forget that your users come first. A higher conversion rate is directly correlated to a more satisfying customer experience. The stability, performance, and overall framework of an organization all benefit from a solid foundation.

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